
tsugino How long…is the gut…?

gut Basic DNI criteria, shtwt, edtwt, shedtwt, sheep (bsd) haters, infantilize / hate on Verlaine , hate on Verlango, Claim to like Verlaine / Verlango more then me, skk shippers (ask to follow / unless I follow first), & odazai shippers. LineBottom

LineTop BFY

heart Hyperfixes / Spins will not be tagged, somtimes mute / non verbal, we have bad memory so we may forget things / bring up something twice, we get into discourse sometimes, we hate on things publicly, we say things that can be seen as “not normal” such as meowing randomly, & we can be bad at spelling / grammar if needed ask for a translation. LineBottom

Pub: 1713541847283 Edit: 1713542338393 Views: 1