
verlango Nothing in the world belongs to me… …But my love is mine, all mine.
LineTop VerlAngo

Hello & Welcome to the place where I infodump about Verlango !! LineBottom

LineTop Verlaine

Basic hcs for Verlaine !!

  • Transfem
  • Cinthean
  • Demiromantic
  • She / Her (She / Her pref)
  • Intersex
  • Hypersexual
  • Autistic
  • ADHD
  • BPD
  • DID
  • MDD
  • C-PTSD
  • ASPD
  • Presents fem / masc & androgynous
  • Has very light freckles
  • Likes wearing makeup
  • Has Top Surgery
  • Has a collection of different colored ribbons for her hair


LineTop Ango

Basic hcs for Ango !!

  • Trans Man
  • Cinthean
  • Aroaceflux
  • He / Him
  • Intersex
  • Hypersexual
  • Autistic
  • ADHD
  • DID
  • Quiet BPD
  • AVPD
  • C-PTSD
  • Hyperfem
  • GNC
  • Has no gender affirming surgeries (Doesn’t want any)
  • Isn’t on hormones (Doesn’t want to be)
  • Has Freckles on his nose
  • Has long hair that’s usually up in a braid for work


LineTop Canon VerlAngo

Verlango hcs that aren’t based off an au !!

  • Verlaine calls Ango a lot of pet names she likes to call him things like darling, dear, my love, & amour
  • Verlaine calls Ango random french words for fun, despite having no idea what shes saying Ango appreciates it
  • Ango rarely calls Verlaine pet names usually he’ll just call her random nicknames but sometimes he’ll refer to her as darling & love
  • Verlaine fell for Ango first
  • Ango confessed to Verlaine first
  • They like to cook together
  • Angos better at cooking than Verlaine
  • Verlaines better at making drinks
  • Verlaine used to be really good at cooking but due to her depressive episodes she stopped cooking
  • When Verlaine would get too depressed to make food / eat Ango would insist on cooking for her & feeding her
  • At first Verlaine thought it was humiliating & dehumanizing but soon realized that Ango just really cared for her and had no sinister intentions
  • They rarely go out to crowded places due to sensory issues and Verlaines sensitivy to such things
  • After spending so much time alone separated from society Verlaine gets overwhelmed very easily in public
  • Ango can usually tell when shes starting to panic so he’ll take her to a quiet lonely place to cool off
  • He carries around a bag with comfort items for her
  • They bonded over Oda and Rimbauds deaths
  • They visit their graves together and pay respects to them together
  • Often leaving flowers on their graves
  • Verlaine is great at taking care of Ango when he’s sick
  • Verlaine is more physically affectionate
  • Ango is clingier
  • They both know flower language and send each other messages via flower language
  • Verlaine stims by bitting so he bites Ango sometimes when hes happy to see him, Ango doesn’t mind but Verlaine always feels slightly bad afterwards
  • Verlango go bra shopping together
  • After getting top surgery Ango helped Verlaine figure out her bra size
  • Verlaine got Ango a brown stuffed rabbit for their anniversary one year, Ango names it Tawny
  • Ango got Verlaine a fennec fox plushie their following anniversary commenting that it reminded him of her, Verlaine named it after herself
  • At first they were very reluctant to talk about their past partners to each other fearing they other wouldn’t like them anymore
  • One day while visting Rimbauds grave Verlaine confessed to Ango about everything that had happened with them
  • Ango in return told him about Oda and reassured her that he doesnt hate her / think less of her because of what she did
  • They love physically affection they cuddle a lot
  • Whenever they sleep together they end up tangled in each arms Verlaine usually graping Ango like hes some sort of plushie
  • they both cope with the deaths of their past partners differently and theyre both very respectful to each other about it
  • Verlaine writes a lot about Rimbaud, Ango doesn’t ask to see or read anything unless Verlaine offers knowing that giving her space is important
  • Verlaine does the same for Ango he doesnr ask about all the odd items he keeps stashed away that used to be Odas
  • Conflict scares them both but it especially scared Verlaine
  • Ango does his best to openly communicate with Verlaine because of this if they get into fights theyll do their best to talk it through
  • They both have abandonment issues that theyre slowly working on together
  • Ango doesnt usually wear makeup but he loves letting Verlaine do his makeup
  • She loves doing his makeup because making do close to him makes her feel so warm inside it makes her feel overjoyed
  • They stim together a lot
  • They like to listen to music together
  • Theyre big on parallel play
  • They like to play with each others hair
  • Verlaine tries on different hairstyles / makeup styles on Ango first before doing them on herself Angos just happy to help


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