Intro Hello ! My name is Oliver but I am also commonly known as Prince, Rody, and Phos ! I go by some other names too which you can find here ! I go by no pronouns so please refer to me by name instead ! I am 14 years old, turning 15 in march, Hmong as well as Lustrous. My gender shifts a lot but only really between being cis to genderless but I regardless I will always like masculine terms being used on me. I'm also Cupioromantic and Hyperace along with being Gay. I deal with Autism, Compulsive lying, Violent outbrusts, and Memory issues as well as suspecting myself of 1 or 2 other things >_< I'm very sensitive and deal with a lot of anxiety when being confronted or talked to in general so please be patient with me !

Interests Coding, Pokemon, WuWa, Graphic Design, JTTW, Sun Wukong, HNK, MHA, Trigun/stamp/max, Cowboy Bebop, Sonic, Cults, Christianity, Buddhism, ETC

DNI pro/darkship, competes abt yumes/kins, if u dislike oomfs, hcs my kins as fem, parasocial kpop stans, interact w ppl i dont like, TCC, anti-recovery

BYI IW(E)C, recovering from racist and misogynistic ideas, I make "edgy" jokes, am socially inept

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Pub: 1708306394048 Edit: 1737370871314 Owner: oliver Views: 13