i turned 'round and there you go

a deep dive into
nathan roven cire gray the hufflepuff
astronomer. i. ii. iii. iv. v.

the basics nathan, full name nathan rover cire gray, is an 18yo 7th year hufflepuff. he/him pronouns. nathan is a transmale and bisexual. he 'specialized' in astronomy & divination. he's a social, friendly, and complex guy that soaks up everyone around him. also called: starkisser

playlist :: pinterest board :: other paste
nathan wakes up at 7am on a good day, but often sleeps in.
as soon as he's awake, which is often late, he rushes to get dressed
nathan is not a morning person, but he is an evening person. he loves the free time.
he cannot shower just after waking up, it annoys him to hell.
coffee is his go to drink in the morning, and he often skips breakfast for it
on the days nathan eats breakfast, he likes warm foods, like eggs or waffles
whenever nathan makes pancakes or waffles, he makes them starshaped, and he leaves star imprints on his toast.
it takes nathan maybe 15 minutes max to get dressed; he isn't high maintenance
he wakes up easier during auttumn
nathan loves night/evening showers
he is extremely particular with his shampoo and conditioner and will not let anyone else use them
nathan will never learn to style his hair
he has multiple perfumes and colognes in similar nature-y and wood-sy scents
nathan dislikes following a set eating schedule and eats when he feels like it, except for dinner
he isn't the biggest fan of cooking and will just make simple things only if they can get shaped into stars
nathan likes organizing and offers to organize things for people, but hates cleaning beyond that
has a dreaded laundry chair
makes his bed in the morning but usually half-assed
has a drivers license? for some reason
has a black bike he loves to death
nathan often takes trains with no destination just because he loves them
getting him on a plane is a war itself
nathan goes to bed decently early on weekdays and stays up too late on weekends
he has extremely vivid and almost lucid dreams that feel too real
nathan can't sleep with even the slightest amount of light
nathan prefers a wall by his bed
he sleeps on his side with his limbs twisted in concerning ways. doesn't move much in his sleep
nathan has mastered the skill of taking photos on the fly. he loves photography and knows just the right moment to take pictures
he isn't generally hyper except when talking about books, astronomy, astrology, or when around batt
he hates people who don't take someone when they open doors for them
nathan cannot stand loud chewers
he wears simple makeup, usually blush, minimal pencil, eyeliner, and mascara
has a cow stuffed animal with stars for spots
shares his food with animas
nathan is fairly androgynous and prides himself in that. he feels best in masc clothes and fem makeup
nathan isn't often dysphoric, but when he is, he lets his appearance get "messy" because it makes him feel more masc
he realized he was trans when he got his hogwarts letter and the deadname felt so wrong
nathan isn't exactly open or secretive about his identity. if people know, they know, and if they don't, then they don't
oddly enough, his long hair gives hime extreme gender euphoria
has scars on his hands pretty much everywhere, often wears gloves
lies about the story behind said scars every time
loves when its drizzling and cold
nathan cannot stop playing with his hair. he hates wearing it up because he can't play with it
nathan has uneven dimples that only show when he smiles
he has good posture while standing, but bends in all sorts of fucked up ways when sitting/laying down
has a bad habit of talking too loud
his footsteps are light and slow, patient
nathan tilts his head when he's confused
he blinks fast and scrunches his nose up to get someone's attention
doodles the same thing on every paper he can: stars
has a bad habit of asking wayyy too many blunt, inappropriate questions without knowing he shouldn't ask them
writes reminders on his arms until he can write them down later
cannot use chopsticks. refuses to try. claims he was cursed
acts like every injury he has is minor
owns only two pairs of shoes
has a short torso and long legs so he looks taller when standing and shorter when sitting
can't draw a circle for shit, but can draw perfect squares
addicted to stationary
picks at his skin on his neck a lot
walks on his tiptoes whenever he's excited
usually gets lost, only knows specific directions by heart for the dumbest locations
don't ask for his notes. he cannot write for shit
he laughs at his own jokes
often sings words for emphasis
pouts a lot to be dramatic
no straw is safe with him. he chews them all
he taps with the pads of his fingers not his nails. never his nails
he hates most towel textures and dries himself at the speed of light
he re-reads books so often
nathan doesn't wait for food/drinks to cool down and eats them hot and does the "hothothothothot" thing
he can and will adopt strays (people and animals)
he gets most work done straight away but occasionally slacks and does it last minute
nathan has a billion personal photos and saves every single one
he does every dare. almost every dare
once, he jumped off a cliff into the sea on a dare and actually enjoyed it
he's considered laid back because of how little bothers him
he points to things using his lips
in crowded spaces, he's the one getting out of people's way
nathan often holds the door open for people
very quick to get formal around authority figures
he hates eyecontact. don't look into his eyes
scratches behind his ears because he will never get used to having human ears after becoming an animagis
only gives people one warning/heads up. he only says stop once
he has a lucky bracelet
sock shoe sock shoe tie tie
he hides snacks under his bed out of habit
he is oddly convinced he will die before 30 and seems normal about it
has his own names for stars and constellations and planets
assigns important people in his life the names of stars, though
contortionist photographic memory only for charts and stuff with labels
he talks to himself when alone
knows up to 39 digits of pi
everyone he knows has a petname, a nickname, or a star nickname
allergic to tomatos
he licks his lips a lot for no reason
messes with his vertical labret too much
a very big "for the plot" person
makes lists in his free time
he collects anything star related/shaped
terrified of flies
goes "huh" and then answers what was said to him a second later
always has a pack of uno cards
his expressions are either too casual or too dramatic
in the middle of chaos, he always goes "well i'm innocent" even if he wasn't involved at first
he fakes falling asleep in hopes someone will carry him somewhere more comfortable
loves apple juice but you couldn't pay him to eat an apple
tells people their fortune with random objects and bullshits them 97% of the time
he refuses to step on sidewalk cracks
everything is a sign from the universe
nathan is best described as warm mystery. he contradicts himself in every way. he's kind and the stereotypical person people gravitate towards. he's a social magnet with a general aloof, laid-back, and inviting demeanor that makes him the heartbeat of any gathering. people often feel at ease around him because of this.

he remembers all the little things in people. he's a gift giver, almost naturally so, and sees his people in everything he looks at. nathan has the best advice and comfort and prides himself in being able to handle most things thrown at him.

of course, nathan is not without his faults. he's obsessive over specific interests to the point they run his life. he always has a camera on him for photography is his life and his way of remembering. he talks with such passion and intensity that it's contagious. he uses this as a scapegoat, too, and avoids most personal conversations about himself, deflecting and downplaying himself with his greatest joys.

however, his lack of emotional connection to himself isn't from a lack of feeling all together. no, in fact, he's overly empathetic, almost to a fault. he absorbs the feelings of the people around him like a sponge. he can't tell his own emotions, so he sucks up everyone else's. he feels people's emotions more than they do. it's easier for him to navigate theirs than his own

this further causes a lack of self. with nathan has his trademark interests, talents, and just general niches, he lacks decisions. if the people around him are saints, so is he. if they're troublemakers, so is he. he does anything on a dare and has very little self preservation. he cares too little, and that leads into dangerous situations. people both love and hate this about him

blankets upon blankets of such perfected socialbility layer all his emotional turmoil. he's the friend that laughs everything off and doesn't let life bother him, but in private, nathan doesn't know who he is. he lacks the ability to express himself and speak for himself. it creates a cycle of being surrounded by so many people yet feeling utterly alone.

because he relies so much on outside forces to keep him moving, he sees almost everything as a sign from the universe. if he cannot make a choice on his own, he'll take minor things and claim it's a guide to an answer. it makes him weirder at a first glance, but for some, it adds to his appeal

nathan's a good friend, though. he's always the first to reach out to someone and organize hangouts. he goes out of his way to make people feel seen, and he loves it. it makes him feel good seeing all his friends happy. people love him for his warmth and kindness, but very few know how much he hides, or how much he wishes someone would just make him open up for once
simply put, nathan is gorgeous. he's a blend of subtle strength and ethereal softness that makes people instinctively double take. Standing at 5'8" with a lean, athletic frame, he's built like someone who is decently active. His arms and shoulders are marked by subtle but defined muscles.

his fair skin contrasts his nearly pitch black hair, which runs past his shoulders, thick and mostly straight with just the barest hint of waves at the ends. he takes only the best care of it, leaving with a shine. he never wears it up and never will, but he's always seen playing mindlessly with the ends.

his face is androgynous with delicate, soft features, which is what mostly gets people's attention. his cheekbones are high and subtle, lending slight angularity to his face, while his jawline is rounded, making him look more than welcoming. the bridge of his nose has a small bump that gives his profile character, and the rest of his nose is only just crooked and narrow. he has the lightest freckles only under his eyes and on his neck. his eyes are the type that look different in all kinds of lighting, but they're a dark, vivid green. they're always slightly hazed for he's always zoned out and thinking away in his head. they're warm and friendly and scrunch up whenever he smiles. there's slight wrinkles already by them from just how often he does smile. his eyebrows have a habit of rising when he's listening, making him constantly look dorky and curious. his lips aren't thin at all, but they often look the part because of his constant smiling. he has one dimple when he smiles on his left side and a vertical labret piercing in simple black jewelry.
his ears are slightly pointed at the ends for reasons even he doesn't know, and they're adorned with two lobe piercings each. his hands are scarred up to his wrist, and both of his index fingers are crooked at the ends. the pads of his fingers are calloused from his long-forgotten guitar. his nails are well kept, mostly; they have a few nicks that show he doesn't fuss much over appearance. he always, always, always has bracelets on, a whole variety of them.

his clothes mirror his personality-- friendly, cozy, care free, and distinct only when you see him in a crowd. he leans towards darker colored clothes, preferably greys and blacks, but enjoys earthy and neutral tones, too. most days, he's in loose long-sleeved shirts that fit just right. he loves long sleeved shirts and wears them year round. sometimes, mostly during weekends, he'll wear an unbuttoned shirt over a tee or fitted tank.

during his favorite seasons, the cold ones, he breaks out most of the color: deep burgundy and dark greens in the form of oversized sweaters, ones that fall past his hips and wrists. he'll wear shirts with collars to poke out the sweater, or if he's feeling fancy enough, a fitted turtleneck.

his pants are generally simple and fitted. slightly tapered, they stop just above his ankles to show off the mismatches socks he is so proud of. he usually wears dark denim or chinos. on more relaxed days, he wears looser sweats. nathan is a man that loves to repair his clothes and reuse them for years, so most of his clothes, especially his pants, have various colored stitching and patches that make him seen even dorkier and friendlier.

he has two pairs of shoes: worn, scuffed black leather books that are well-maintained and have soft creases from how often he's used them, and then his grey and white sneakers that have stars doodled all over them. the laces are worn and the ends are starting to get all frayed but he doesn't care.

he wears only bracelets that stack in a beautiful variety. around his neck, nathan wears a cord necklace that's never been taken off. it's a keepsake, frayed and aged from his years of wearing it. when asked, he'll tell you of his best friend. he wears simple makeup, usually blush, minimal pencil, eyeliner, and mascara. he does change his ear piercing jewelry since only he gets to see them, long hair and all.

nathan loves his simple style. it's personal to him, and it fits him well. when allowed, he'll dress dramatic for special events, but likes to keep it minimal.
while nathan knows a lot of people, there are few people he considers close:

regulus black :: best friend, love interest :: they've been in the same astronomy class for their entire school year but only started talking when they got partnered together in 5th year. from then on, nathan was a pesky leech that regulus couldn't get rid off. they became close by 7th year, and nathan was absolutely heads over heels. they spend a lot of time together star gazing

yarrow batt :: best friend :: a weird ravenclaw boy. they met on the train ride to hogwarts during 2nd year. they clicked instantly over their mutual interests, books, and never left each other's side. they're called the fox twins a lot because of similar they are and their mutual fox-like personality

barty crouch jr best friend, ex :: they met through regulus, obviously. they hooked up on and off for a while and just randomly stopped. they influence each other's chaotic antics and still hang out way too much.

verona reeds close friend :: a hotheaded slytherin girl. they met in 4th year in divination class. nathan was insanely drawn to her because of her short temper, and the man is nothing if not self destructive. surprisingly, though, they balanced each other out and were extremely close until 6th year where life just got them busy

pandora rosier close friend :: they bonded pretty much instantly in divinations class and got even closer when nathan befriended regulus.

and, sadly, even someone so socialable has people who dislike them
odell bramble :: academic rival :: an egotistical ravenclaw. bramble and nathan have been at each other's necks in most classes since he can remember. they hated each other from the start. well, the hate's sorta onesided, nathan stopped giving a fuck in 6th year

sirius black :: estranged distant 'friends' :: after learning regulus' past, nathan found it... difficult to talk to sirius and be around him. he tries not to be a bias, but no one is closer to him than batt and regulus, and sirius is just someone who hurt regulus. he's civil, but their friendship wilted

nathan is the opposite of a family man
Yvonne gray :: his mother :: nathan does not like his mother, not one bit. she doesn't like him either. there's nothuing more to tell

chase gray :: his father :: nathan's father is a little bit more tolerant of him, so they're closer than he is with his mother, but they still keep contant minimal

murry gray :: younger brother :: they aren't allowed to talk because they physically fight. the tension between the two is worse than sirius and regulus. there's no attempt or want to get close, just anger and resentment

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