𓏵 i do not have the energy to make an actual url so here’s some stuff about me (silver) so i can make friends ^^^^

first of all i do url hoarding (just starting out this is my only url lol, it wasnt taken when i found it) it was recommended to me by an old friend- i won't get deep into that story but erm its apparently fun to decorate urls (ive decorated one of theirs before! was fun) holy yap! sorry anyway moving on

english is not my first language i spoke korean when i was first born so please correct me if i spell something wrong or use words in wrong contexts, i started learning eng 3 years ago and im still working on it. it wont be perfect

i’m 15 (birthday on the day of christmas) and i’m in the US, on central time . it is not likely that i’ll respond 7:35—2:35 on week days because those r my school hours,very exotic school hours yes i know i don’t know why they r likethat but there was a change in schedule before i went to that school and now its. like that.

if you cant tell already i talk a lot- someone told me that i would be the aeon of yap in hsr snd thats why i like the game so much 😖 ^ as im finishing this i dont know if i should have used a semicolon or just gone with a dash at the start of that sorry im doing my best I FORGOT TO ADD THIS BUT I HAVE TICS ANDTHEYRE REALLY BAD AND SOME KF THEM ARE PAINFU 😓 IT TAKES ME A MINUTE TK RESPOND

i have literally like.. one friend. please be my friend im so terribly lonely im funny i swear anduhm i try to tone down the talking j dont talk like this all the tome okay okay bye everyone

Pub: 1732237205594 Edit: 1735690310767 Owner: silverbullet Views: 13