212 34% 21% mangled jackal or coyote at the side of the road. hunter at the waves. feline in nature hidden & horned. ethereally stuck in the abyss snake eyed devil. erratic and restless beast. all consuming. corrupted. 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 identity dump i rule over all i am apathy & melancholy. isolation. wrong and right. mimicry. manipulation. lies. sorrow. anger and rage. lost causes. the scary and the scared. misanthropy. strength. complexity. a cold winter. frostbite. a last night. cat nap. country side darkness. an acolyte. a catalyst. mangled and never human. abstracted evil. haunted. extreme in every way. 7 — 8 — 9 — 10 — 11 — 12 Edit Config Pub: 1706009294967 Edit: 1728884897651 Owner: regulus Views: 22