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I actually don't like this code so feel free to use it as a base or template idc just have fun ^_^

Gummies lemon drops brownie tootsie roll jelly wafer biscuit. Candy canes bonbon sweet roll carrot cake jujubes shortbread candy canes chocolate cake. Candy pastry sweet roll tootsie roll chupa chups sugar plum tart jujubes. Donut sesame snaps cake marzipan tiramisu. Fruitcake lemon drops candy sweet roll chocolate cake oat cake cake carrot cake donut. Brownie tiramisu dessert soufflé chocolate bar cake. Marshmallow gingerbread sesame snaps macaroon pie. Cake chocolate bar sesame snaps chocolate bar icing jujubes. Cookie gingerbread lollipop tiramisu tart dragée cupcake sugar plum jelly beans. Tart ice cream chocolate cake chocolate cake jujubes. Chocolate bar marzipan marshmallow cookie halvah soufflé gingerbread. Dragée sesame snaps liquorice jelly beans tiramisu marshmallow cotton candy brownie. Toffee sugar plum wafer chocolate bar cheesecake cheesecake oat cake. Pastry bonbon candy canes jelly beans fruitcake.

Croissant caramels jujubes halvah apple pie caramels. Cookie candy tart jelly carrot cake macaroon jelly beans toffee marzipan. Shortbread donut jelly-o marzipan chocolate bar sweet roll. Sweet roll tiramisu shortbread gummies pastry oat cake jelly beans. Pudding oat cake sesame snaps caramels brownie pie. Croissant topping dessert gummi bears tootsie roll cheesecake muffin sweet. Sesame snaps chocolate croissant halvah liquorice toffee. Tootsie roll topping muffin jujubes danish sugar plum marzipan dragée chocolate cake. Sesame snaps cookie tootsie roll caramels dessert lemon drops gingerbread sesame snaps. Sweet cupcake gummies bonbon donut donut pudding carrot cake macaroon. Gingerbread donut carrot cake gummies cookie tart gummi bears. Jelly-o muffin danish tiramisu sweet pie gummi bears apple pie shortbread. Shortbread candy canes cupcake macaroon oat cake wafer sugar plum sugar plum donut.


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