ok im enough of being a lazy bitch heres my hoard nft iffy in use uft you can still offer for nft and in use urls but ill be very very very picky, and theres prob some unlisted but you can still ask for them neospring is @k-on, trying to check it everyday cause i always got notifications there :3

characters /bowbot /atsushinakajima /madokakaname /chito /yuuri /yamadaryo /wadda /konataizumi /yotsubakoiwai /yuuko /chiyomihama /yowanehaku /yowane /osaka /yokuneruko /kokomisangonomiya /gumimegpoid /koroneinugami /tennojirina /nil /bell /supersonico /yonaka /miki /ruru /shinsha /riko /riamuyumemi /lalafin /diamond /futabasakura /lacey /mugi /maenoaki /mizukiakiyama /miz /ivan /till touhou all iffy i love touhou /yuyuko /tewiinaba /hakureireimu /kirisamemarisa /suika /flandrescarlet /yuuka /sanae /yukari /rumia /kaguya /tewi /patchouli /reisen /youmu /suwako /marisa /toho /hifuu /satori evillious chronicles wip and they are all iffy too ok /aai /kayo /adammoonlit /aile /gallerian /ayn /behemo /riliane /gakusha /conchita /allenavadonia /abelard /banica /brunozero /clarith /elluka /evemoonlit /gumillia /gretel /hansel /arte /masterofthecourt /kagura /michaela /nyoze /palenoel /hellishyard /heavenlyyard /amostia /lemy /arth /baum /gumina /maylis /inukichi /levia /ec /evilliouschronicles /venomania music /karmanations /gogomaniac /windysummer /tenshinifuretayo /utauloid /utau /tsubasawokudasai /necromantic /honeysweetteatime /tokimekisugar /comewithme /fuwafuwatime /kirakiradays /purepureheart /samidare20love /ziz /ourmagic /pokkancolor /flyhigh /massdestruction /senbonzakura /otonablue /aishite /mesmerize /aishiteitanoni food and animals /ichigoparfait /shika /doe /duck /sakana /catcafe /gatinho /gatos /kittycat /pepsi /expresso /watermelon /suika /𓆟 names /ycaro /addy /emi /xoe /summer /mirelle /azure /azuna /nayeon /mizune words /timekeep /forgave /karaoke /gmail /quit /market /collapse /special /today /attempt /alive /cubes /musical /asteroid /anonymous /lullaby /catgender /shiny /cringe /sew /maliced misc /pearto /starrysky /jsab /himegyaru /mahoushoujo /alienstage /danganronpa /homestuck /cubes /愛 /猫 /twitter /4chan /reddit /💐 /🧩 /👾 /🎏 /💫 /🍵 /瑞希 super unrealistic cool wishlist /cat /lolita /chocola /flandre /padparadscha /reimu /nekopara /strawberry /touhou /konata /mizuki /mizi /sua /hyuna /silly /meow /lain /neru /amber /celestia /nitori basically anything related to my interests (touhou, hsk, alien stage, nekopara) i would prob gibe multiple urls for a wl url... log /ashley for /reisen — /lucky for /danganronpa — got /youmu ownrship? — /dessert and /kasane for /marisa — /pastel and /ichigo for /ivan and /till — gave /sappho away — traded /tord for /venomania