nathan roven cire gray 7th year bi tguy in love w/ stars hufflepuff     one -- two -- three

the basics nathan roven cire gray is the sterotypical hufflepuff yet so far from it, too. he is extremely impartial to everyone. there is not many people he hates, and there is very little things he is unwilling to do. because of this, he can be a troublemaker if the people around him are, or the biggest saint. he advocates for everyone although he did well in herbology like the majority of his house, nathan did best in astronomy and divination. he had the highest marks in both classes, and that is the only thing he allows himself to brag about. his main hobby is stargazing and writing/reading. whenever he is not at a crazy party or hanging out with 10 people at once, he's reading his novels or writing his own. oh yeah, black fox animagus
appearance nathan's 5'8" on the dot. he's slim with most of his muscle to his torso and shoulders. he has soft androgynous features. his eyes have stupidly long lashes and are a dark green. nathan's hair is barely wavy and runs past his shoulders, just above the middle of his back. he takes perfect care of it but refuses to learn to style it. he has light freckles under his eyes. he has uneven dimples and moles over the backs of his legs. he dressed comfortably yet stylish in simple dark clothes.
dumb facts nathan refuses to step on sidewalk cracks. he always has a voice recorder on him because he likes to collect sounds. he reads every little thing as a sign from the universe. lacks routine and doesn't finalize plans until the last second. tell's people their fortunes using random objects and does bullshit them. every non living object has a name. remembers small, stupid details better than important ones. loves apple juice but you couldn't pay him to eat an apple. is convinced he won't live past 30 and acts like thats normal. aways has gum. always. fidgets with his hair like it keeps him alive. no filter, blunt. loves to collect quotes and will write them down somewhere
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