Flavored Markdown Guide

Bundlrs is still in development!

A lot of things on this page *might* not render properly, but we're getting there!

Press "Edit" at on the bottom left to view the source of this document.

Basic Markdown

Comment Markdown Rendered
*italics* italics
**bold** bold
underline underline
[link](https://sentrytwo.com) link
!image alt text image alt text
__underline__ underline
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
Image with sizing !image alt text:{15x15} image alt text
Supports headers 1-6 (header number is number of hashtags) # Header 1 Cannot render in table
You can create a fenced code block using 3 backticks instead of 1. `inline code` inline code
Lists cannot contain a break between lines. Only a single new line can be used to separate list items. - unordered list Cannot render in table
Lists cannot contain a break between lines. Only a single new line can be used to separate list items. 1. ordered list Cannot render in table

Stellular also supports gfm (github flavored markdown).

Special Markdown


all markdown is also supported within builder text components!


You can highlight text using two equal signs.

Example: highlighted


You can create admonitions using three exclamation marks, followed by the type. Entry currently supports the following types: note, warn/warning, danger/error, info

Admonitions can contain a title and text, or just a title.


Note with just title
Warn with just title
Danger with just title
Info with just title
Note with title...

...and text

Warn with title...

...and text

Danger with title...

...and text

Info with title...

...and text


You can align your text using arrows (-(greater than) on both for right, or on the left only for center) on each side.

align center align right align center

You can also align using row flex. This can be done using an arrow with two heads.


align right align center

animations don't work well using normal row alignment

use row flex alignment for use with animations

okay that's partially a lie, I suggest you read about CSS flex in the article here to better understand when you should use row flex.

Character Escapes

All HTML character escapes can be used by prefixing them with &! instead of just &.


  • &!gt; &!gt;
  • &!lt; &!lt;
  • &!excl; &!excl;
  • &!equals; &!equals;

Table of Contents

A table of contents can be automatically generated by adding [TOC]. It is generated from the headings present in your paste.

Example: [TOC]


Stellular supports themes. You can add a theme by typing "e#theme {theme}#".

The currently supported options are:

  • dark
  • light
  • blue
  • purple
  • green
  • pink

You can also create your own themes using the hue, sat and lit elements.

Special Elements

Special Elements Information

Pub: 1705968873497 Edit: 1710197108868 Owner: hkau Views: 2172