juna's lovemail
01/23/25: SILVERRRR!!! you are my best friend and i tell you this all the time but you have been for years, and the amount of time you've stayed by my side even when i was being annoying or problematic or narcissistic truly baffles me. you are so smart and kind and understanding and thoughtful and ily so much you're the best best friend ever AUGHGHHGHHA GUHHHHH i heart you. idk how to say it any better. i've already spent close to 5 years with you and i hope that there is many more to come. i really don't ever want to lose you. i;ll probably write more here in the future but i just want you to know you are the number one person deserving of the title of my best friend.
01/23/25: WHUSKKKK! it has been so much fun to be your friend so far and i genuinely feel like we're getting to know eachother better and i really appreciate it. i also appreciate your friendship and how you haven't gotten fed up with me for being a little shit and isolating myself every week. i just..... shut down sometimes and i'm so glad that you understand (or act like you do). there's so much for me to affirm about you and i try to do it in conversation but i feel like part of that is just me trying to directly indirectly reassure you that i don't hate you, and i feel like that's not sincere enough. so i'll say it here with no strings attached; i love you, and i think you're smart, and you're so much fun to play with (even though you make fun of me and i hate it). i promise promise PROMISE that i'll try to do better about not avoiding people since i know that you aren't the only one affected by my selfish habit. i got this !!! and i got you. :3
01/23/25: HI JENNI ! i'm using jenni because i don't wanna put you on blast with your real name but i think you know who you are. you're so fun and i'm so glad to have met you last year. we're in this whole med school thing together and i look forward to graduating with you.. just know that when we go to collegecollege u won't be able to steal my answers :winky:
01/23/25: MARI ! fake name again, but it's kind of hard to shorten your real name, so i trust you'll know who you are. you are so much smarter than you know bro. and so much more talented than you recognize. seriously i want to be like you when i grow up. the same thing goes for you as it does for jennifer-- we're in this med school thing together, and i'm so so SO looking forward to graduating with you. however, differently from jennifer, i have confidence that YOU won't need to steal my answers, even if you think you do. you're a smart cookie; just trust yourself :3
01/23/25: ELIIIII u are so cute u are so cute like a little baby. you're like my real life sims toddler and i know that it annoys u when i pinch ur cheeks but UGGHGHUHUHWUHGUAHUHAUHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGH. on a more serious note, thank you for being a good friend and being someone i can trust. i wholeheartedly trust that you aren't fake and that you actually care about me, and i have this entire time even when i didn't trust that same fact about everyone else. also i'm gonna touch you look out. I'M JOKINGGG I'M JOKING.
01/23/25: using a nickname i made up on the spot cuz i don't wanna expose your real name to people who shouldn't see it, but you're really funny i guess and fun and cool and you're really smart and good at math. like actually i have never ever met someone that is so effortlessly smarter than me and that says something even if i sound like a little narcissist. you might be an airheaded yapper but your brain turns on sometimes and it's BAFFLING. keep it up girl don't burn yourself out
01/23/25: YANAAA ofc nickname cuz i don't wanna expose your real name but you're so so so awesome and i love you so much and . and. and. UGH i love you. you're hilarious and i have seriously never felt this cared about by a friend before. normally i have my reservations and suspicions about others but you?!?!? NEVER! and that's amazing. you're also so so smart i don't even know if you realize it but you're literally brilliant. GENIUS even. smarty pants. we seriously have to plan a hangout outside of school one day i'm cryign
01/23/25: MALLORYYYYY you are so so much fun to be friends with!!! i know we don't talk too often but seriously you are so awesome and i love you and i love being your friend. i think i see a little bit of myself in you sometimes; your self doubt, and how you sometimes need reassurance, and how easy it is to just go get lost in your head and then when you come back you're not quite clear or you. you're a splitting image of what i'm like sometimes and i feel like that lets me empathize with you more. just remember that i'll always be here for you :3