back  wlist •⠀⠀High = 100%-90%, The hardest to trade for !! Please be mindful of who you are to me when asking for these as it will most likely result in a no <3

•⠀⠀Med(ium) = 89%-70%, I'm very connected to this url but wouldn't mind trading it! I may be a bit more hesitant but give it a couple of days and I may cave !!

•⠀⠀Low = 69%-50%, somewhat very willing to trade these ! While I still hold it close to my heart I probably just think the url is cute and it could probably be in better hands

•⠀⠀since people hate reading these if you put a "🍎" in your request ill hate you less :3

Pub: 1706005683928 Edit: 1739876252810 Owner: oliver Views: 25