light 210 95%70%

byf dni likes

judas or laios she vi
sys ☆⌒(><)v autistic
novice coder ( ̄_ ̄)
mixed disabled jewish

before you follow i have multiple pathological disorders. i have an incredibly hard time sympathizing with people or forcing myself to care about people's problems but i will do my best. i feel very muted emotions but i am willing to fake it for people. i dont have any real "dni" and interact with anyone, including proshippers, mspec lesbians, antishippers, shedtwt, tcc. if you are sensitive to any of those people you shouldnt interact.
do not interact harass random people for things that dont truly affect people's lives (those antishippers...) zionists , if you dislike me (||| ′⌒` ;) fear and hunger haters
games fear and hunger, funger termina, the binding of isaac, skyrim, backshot roulette, 8:11, iron lung, slime rancher, rdr, portal

movies / shows reanimator, black christmas, fight club, the cat returns, brokeback mountain, succession, dungeon meshi

music phosgore, jack off jill, mephisto walz, bauhaus, london after midnight, elliott smith, peremotka, tool, a perfect circle weedeater, einstürzende neubautene, bongzilla, throbbing gristle, spk, pornofilmy, type o negative, dystopia, gulch

other gastropods, anthropoids, psychology, religious studies, world building, taxidermy, pelting
Pub: 1717729421038 Edit: 1719175959230 Owner: judas ‿ Views: 6