

i make kys / kms jokes , only usually if we're close though ( same w slight nsfw jokes )

i am disabled and i will complain about it

i am autistic so tone is very hard for me , i dont necessarily NEED tonetags but they are appreciated + i will ask for them if needed

i will not shut up about my interests if you let me talk about them

uhh i dunno im silly


-13 , +20 if i dont know you irl

pro / comship or its close relatives like dead dove etc

bi lesbian and bi gay supporters + defenders same goes for male lesbians and female gays

radinclus , terf , transmed

aam / map

basic dni yk , racists tphobes homophobes

genuine freaks

Pub: 1712722576275 Edit: 1717745570154 Owner: disspair Views: 2