i might give some for free js ask tbh
despite what it says just cus its on here doesnt mean I dont love the url lol

I hate this url (full names n other)
3.5 adamtaurus adventurercookie aliceyabusame angelswings aoimiyake archangelgabriel ashketchum badgateway blackberrycookie blacklemonadecookie blakebelladonna bloodbreed bronyazaychik cemetaryboy chronicallyonline ClearAdjudication crepecookie crimsonrainsoughtflower crownprinceofxianle cryoarchon cyberstalker electroarchon evilyaoi ezratheodore fayevalentine firewall ginibushi haunteddoll herrscherofsentience hua-cheng idolboy iloveyouvirus jaunearc jetblack jhope k-423 kaichisaki kaisatou keymaster killmyself KingofDepravity kingofdespair korekiyoshinguji Kouminamoto landmineboy len02 loveandpeace maitsurugi mangocookie mayoiayase mikakagehira milgramproject mourningdove naoegokoro naturalharmonia naturalharmoniagropius neiruaonuma nekomiyamana nicholasdwolfwood noravalkyrie orionsbelt oscarpine pitayadragon pitayadragoncookie poisonmushroomcookie prayermachine pumpkinpiecookie punishinggrayraven pyroarchon pyrrhanikos QueenOfMonomania ranmarukageyama ransomeware redvelvetcookie rekoyabusame rin02 rubyrose ruggiebucchi sacrificecard saviorcomplex scumvillain seeyouspacecowboy shinobusengoku shintsukimi snapdragoncookie sorbetsharkcookie souhiyori spikespiegel strazio studioinvestigrave teruminamoto thebig3 thecrownprince thirteenkings tomurashigaraki ursamajor ursaminor vashthestampede virtualgod visual-kei weissschnee xie-lian yangxiaolong youareanidiot zombieboy 🃏 🎐 whitelilycookie starchnoodles starcollector blackmaple bladescar bluesummers eleventhharbinger cinnabort cinnaphos fellowmoon dressupdoll drmasacrik gustholomule joeransara theshorekeeper whitesakura windchime lacedarling fuckface shithead asshole cruelgod loserboy mothermary ayasemayoi kianakaslana dotheactlikeyounevermetme

Hateclaims gimmie money
huntlow huntric sangwoo scarover

Url of shame


Pub: 1705963182223 Edit: 1738246221804 Owner: oliver Views: 47