
( cyjen_'s url hoard !! ) easy 2 read hoard / wishlist / easy 2 read wishlist / retrospring

nftpickyuftin usereservedtraded feel free to offer for urls nft / heavy plan to use! maybe i'll accept, idk ... just try your luck :3 order : pjsk r1999 mcyt games music words emojis misc

☆  info   
hai hai!! welcome to cy's boring hoard of sntry urls...! most, if not all, of my urls are in some way planned to be used, but they can still be uft. if you'd like to offer for any, feel free to dm my discord @cyjen_ ( DO NOT REQ , DM IF WE HAVE A SHARED SERVER INSTEAD !! ) or ask @ retrospring for negotiations and stuff! i accept VERY LIKELY wishlist urls or just any good urls ( cough. mizuruiankasa urls ) to be honest. but i mean i also can give some for free! either way, im not too hard to negotiate with. you can also ask for heavy plan to use urls, i'll just specify if i still plan to use them or not! my wishlist has a general list of urls i will accept in order of how likely i am to accept them!!
long story short, joined semi-early, didn't wanna hoard back then, and now i have urls that kinda suck ass.
﹒ ' +   rosentorpe peak ... 

☆  in use   
main sntry / profile : /tranquility , /mizuruiankasa , /polyphanchase /encouragedkindness , /fantasticplanner | code test : /rosenshiro | starryrooftops : /rooftops | timely ankasa acc : /timelyankasa | url hoard + wishlist : /rosentorpe , /mizuruikasa , /彰瑞類杏司 , /akimizuruiankasa | yume : /specialmoment , /robeofburningjin , /yumeshipper | hourlylaplace : /laplace | n25lyrics : /at25 | naruairi acc : /naruairi (yes im admin 💫, yes i havent posted in weeks.) | etc : /babalik

☆  plan to use / wip   
special <3 : /ivoryrosewood , /cherishregret , /killinggod | profile (got lazy) : /rainbowcanvas , /paintwhatilove , /colorfulpaint , /drawingcoach , /explosiveart , /doodlefree | royal sekai (maybe) : /garnetrosen , /royalsekai | etc : /originals , /flyingfeather , /ruian , /emurui , technically all my oc / yumeship urls .

sntrys made for my private twt's info .. just open at ur own risk maybe... : /heartaidcafeteria , /affectionateblend , /specialty.blend | plan to use for private twt sntry maybe : /easygoingblend , /relaxationblend , /freshblend
﹒ ' +   ankasa <3 ... 

☆  pjsk names   
/atvbs , /pomero , /ena_0787 , /wondashow , /sekairadio , /kamikouhigh , /miyajou , /miyagirls , /ichika39_ln , /sakiiii_ln , /hona_hona_ln , /s.h.0108_ln , /日野森雫 (hinomori shizuku) , /小豆沢こはね (azusawa kohane) , /白石杏 (shiraishi an) , /青柳冬弥 (aoyagi toya) , /ワンダショ (wondershow) , /天馬司 (tenma tsukasa) , /神代類 (kamishiro rui) , /ニーゴ (niigo) , /chukasa , /thorpekasa , /boookasa , /danchourui , /transfemmetsukasa , /transfemmekasa , /femmekasa , /harukaP | APRIL FOOLS '22 : /aoharufriends , /happinesssentaisanisaniwonder , /happinesssentai , /hobbyistsondaysoff , /hobbyists | '23 : /solidheart , /solidheartclass , /passionheart , /passionheartclass , /cautiousheartclass , /pureheartclass , /dayosensei | '24 : /foodhuntinprimitiveforest , /warerapegasustankentai , /pegasusexploration , /pegasusexplorationteam , /quickbreakspacecafe , /niconicotabemosagashi , /niconicofoodsearch , /smilingfoodsearch , /futucity , /futuristiccity , /witfc
﹒ ' +   an chan ! ... 

☆  pjsk ships   
/瑞類杏司 (mizuruiankasa) , /shizukana , /mizukasa , /瑞類 (mizurui) , /類瑞 (ruimizu) , /類杏 (ruian) , /minomizu , /shizuhona , /kanarui , /ichikananene , /ruiankasa , /akiankasa , /mizuakikasa , /akiharurui , /honarui , /mizuruian , /shizuharu , /neneankasa , /emukoha , /mafuairiena , /shizumafu , /mafushizu , /enamino , /tsukoha , /kasamino , /tsumino , /minoaki , /akihona , /airimizu , /ankana , /akinenean , /akineneankasa , /minonenewedding , /shihominokoha , /mizukasayuri , /t4tmizukasa | rks : /ruikasayaoi , /t4truikasa , /rosevalier , /nakashira , /shirokuro , /puppyfes , /fesjes , /roseking , /merking , /qilintician , /gunwen , /alienvalier | nnks : /valenlily | ansh : /callarosen | anks : /ankasayuri , /ankasayaoi , /nystars , /kitsudragon , /kitsuqilin , /kitsuneqilin , /torperosen , /rosenvalier | ruian : /tactikitsune , /tactikitsu , /kurorosen | mzri : /sorcereques , /equescerer
﹒ ' +   mizuruiankasa my loves ... 

☆  pjsk events / songs / cards   
/flutteringmaidens , /wonderhalloween , /twilightfestival , /painfulhope , /neverendingshowtime , /punknighttokyo , /hoshizoraorchestra , /hoshizoranomelody , /odoreorchestra , /danceorchestra , /stellarsong , /aimforthestar , /preciousmemories , /beneaththewaters , /kaleidoscopeoffootprints , /spiritedaffair , /spaceopera , /sorrowfulfarewell , /templeofchronos , /eveningbreeze , /receivinginspiration , /friendsgaze , /everyoneslivestream , /weddinglivewitheveryone , /minnadehaishin , /inmyfairytale , /nowtransform , /nowthetransformation , /tothedressofyourdreams , /thedressivewishedfor , /fairytaleprincess , /ladyinflowers , /ladyofcharming , /leadtoshinemore , /closetothehearttogether , /closetotheheart , /bringingyouenergywithfood , /bringingyouenergy , /tomakethisthebeststage , /thebeststage , /bringoutthelight , /akariotaguriyosete , /iwanttotellyoudirectly , /chasingtheradiance , /lovelyflowersblooming , /strongestidolsmile , /diditfallover , /startwithsomesitups , /operationvalentines , /secretteatime , /pureofheart , /romanticbride , /wishingtothebluesky , /refinedbelltuxedo , /ladyelegant , /gracefulmarriage , /thrillingwhiteday , /knightsofwhite , /chivalrouschevalier , /noblepaladin , /optatioeques , /chevaliernoir , /wanderinggunner , /everlastingsoundsofbells , /blessingbride , /happybell , /flowermermaid , /whatawaitsattheendofwar , /fleetinglightknight , /illuminatedknight , /abyssknight , /beyondthatdoor , /stunninglady , /whatiwanttotellyou , /givemetherope , /tenmatorimonocho , /talesofdetectivetenma , /acoolvillain , /fromthetopofthefiretower , /robeofslumberingfaith , /成敗いたAAAAAす , /successfuldefeataaaaa , /bestsummerever , /letsenjoysummer , /kamiyamacheer , /plotofthewise , /sundownsbrilliance , /highschoolcarnival , /secretguidance , /imthelead , /bestpicturewrap , /tocreatethebestfilm , /admiredprotagonist , /peakexcitement , /first.concerto , /colorthepast , /lovesuffering , /lovingsunflower, /unchangingwarmth , /newyeardivinebeasts , /nydivinebeasts , /manoffestivity , /lightuptheslopes , /aidingwhitefox , /soaringdragongod , /phoenixbridalfesta , /phoenixbridalfair
﹒ ' +   new year + kamikou events peak ...

☆  sekaistars ( pjsk x enstars )   
/sekaistars , /narumizu , /midonene , /kanaleo , /mikahona , /soratoya , /natsuan , /hidakasiblings , /subakasa , /natsurui , /akikoga , /mikaena , /honamitsu , /minojun , /mafuleo , /kanafuyu , /kanaritsu , /mizuhaku , /emusora , /soraemu , /hinamino , /emumika
﹒ ' +   sekaistarstwt is so cool ... 

☆  r1999   
/xpoc , /horromed , /medblume , /1486 , /blossica , /digmenot , /spathoezra , /morpankh , /xfog , /yeniangzi , /voyakaalaa , /37gulus , /isokania , /bluefog , /digpedia , /indiehorror (digpedia) , /ulurugames , /laplacescientificcomputingcenter , /lpscc , /爱兹拉 (ezra theodore) , /兔毛手袋 (medicine pocket) , /可燃点 (spathodea) , /喀嚓喀嚓 (click) , /百夫长 (centurion) , /melania , /梅兰妮 (melania) , /msacey , /挖掘艺术 (diggers) , /金蜜儿 (blonney) , /恐怖通 (horropedia) , /洁西卡 (jessica) , /讣告人 (necrologist) , /罗蕾莱 (lorelei) , /曲娘 (jiu niangzi) , /葛天 (getian) , /泥鯭的士 (an-an lee) , /柏林以东 (bkornblume) , /马库斯 (marcus)
﹒ ' +   i love x <3 ... 

☆  minecraft / mcyt related   
mcyt : /krewcraft , /rainbwoah , /afterhourssmp , /infusesmp , /scicraft , /wsmp , /witchcraftsmp , /mcsos , /beeselpunk , /honeypottheatre , /itsfunnehyhs , /falec , /funnelyn , /kygold , /kylec , /golerie , /kyrince , /brittlicia , /levan , /hermitcraftrecap , /pixlriffs , /zloyxp , /lyarrah , /weatherhusbands , /mythicalswamp , /ahasbands , /4cvit , /amethystduo , /planetwaffles , /hopduo , /kitc , /parkourduo , /voidwar , /voidponies , /killerbunnies , /schemeduo , /ashswagcarduo , /ashswagcarduotrio , /skirtcity , /amymialee , /bobabear , /angelswing , /lasirene , /lasirène , /ivoryfrill , /soupforeloise , /snifferish , /katherineeliz , /katherineelizabeth , /artemisablaze , /naturesforge , /naturesforgesmp , /nfsmp , /duckcraft , /rainytimes , /silversiblings , /kingofsuperflat , /cherrifire , /lincuhq , /milllkberry , /pyroscythe , ~~/thestorypainter , /joshsweep , /storysweep , /keyduo~~ I DO NOT SUPPORT J*SHO nor do i like j*shsweep. , /pyroswag , /purposeduo , /pyropierce , /soggyduo , /unrealityduo , /arcaneduo | mc : /pack.png
﹒ ' +   not a fan of gay people /ref ... 

☆  other gacha games   
18trip : /kafmiji , /toihiro , /muneushi | enstars : /veiledfragrance , /kissyourself , /heartaidcafe | d4dj : /lumichiru , /polychord , /tendouhayate , /holyworry
﹒ ' +   i don have a lot YET!!!!!! ... 

☆  music   
/f5ve | yukika : /yukikateramoto , /cherriesjubiles , /ifeellove , /soullady , /adayforlove , /pit-a-pet , /allflightsaredelayed , /timeabout , /leapforward , /pung | g22 : /g22 , /defy , /musika , /loka , /onesidedlove , /ihateboys | bini : /kapitlang , /goldenarrow , /lagi , /pitapat , /ifeelgood , /madeforall , /buhayaydikarera , /pantropiko

☆  akb48 + affiliated   
kaigai groups : /stu48 , /jkt48 , /bnk48 , /cgm48 , /klp48 | mnl48 : /mnl48 , /aitakatta , /tatulotngsakura , /umiindaknasaya , /pagibigfortunecookie , /palusotkoymaybe , /firstrabbit , /ikawangmelody , /ginghamcheck , /hightension , /1234yoroshiku , /greenflash , /nowayman | mnl48 members : /sheki , /rianna , /klaire , /klaryle | snh48 : /snh48 , /gnz48 , /bej48 , /shy48 , /ckg48 , /cgt48 , /idolsft , /jnr48 | ikonoijoy : /ikonoijoy , /ikorabu , /notequalme , /noimii , /nearlyequaljoy , /niajoy
﹒ ' +   i love g22 and ppop idk .. and i started with only mnl48, ended with this ...

☆  words   
/study , /ominousbell , /showtimes , /theaters , /auditioner , /auditionee , /auditions , /blinkers , /empurpled , /empurples , /lifespan , /meteors , /spellbook , /witchcrafted , /witched , /casted , /cast , /beloved, /magicka , /wheelie , /wheelies , /frontdoor , /chunkban , /lagswitch , /orbitalstrike , /orbitalstrikecannon
﹒ ' +   honestly js unsorted nonfandom stuff or things idk how to fit in fandom ones ...

☆  emojis   
nft / heavy iffy : /🌟🎧 , /🎈🎧 , /🎀🎈 , /🥞🌟 , /🎀🥞 , /🎨🌟 , /☘️🌟 , /🍬🎈 , /🦋💊 | uft : /🥁🎹 , /🎸🍜 , /🥁🍜 , /💧🎼 , /💧❄️ , /🍬🌟 , /🍬🤖 , /🤖🌟 , /❄️🎨 , /🎀🎼 , /☘️🐹 , /🎼🌟 , /🎀🎹 , /🐬🦋
﹒ ' +   random emojis most likely ships ... 

☆  philippines RAHH!! (pls dont ask /j)   
/pilipino | food : /champorado , /turon , /karekare , /pipino (cucumber) | places : /luzon , /visayas , /mindanao , /pampanga , /bulacan , /quezon , /boracay , /cagayan , /laguna , /bicol , /bohol , /chocolatehills , /iloilo , /guimaras
﹒ ' +   filipino pride frfr ... 

☆  misc   
/agenderflux (me) , /mirrorships , /mirrorshipper , /godwept | games : /birdiecrush | object shows : /korfc | flowers : /ilangilang , /sampaguita , /champaca | books : /elisabettadami , /geronimostilton , /theastilton , /theasisters , /creepellavoncacklefur , /therodentsgazette , /mousefordacademy | shows : /inbestigators , /ezrabanks , /maudiemiller , /kyleklimson , /avaandrikides | podcasts : /rottenmango , /bakingamystery , /stephaniesoo | scaratao : /stringedspirit , /ghostlyshade
﹒ ' +   dont ask abt some of these ... 

☆  self indulgent (nft maybe. js ask)   
/ameyume | my yumeships + ocs : /reneasaumi , /renekasa , /nenerene , /nenerenekasa , /cyx , /augustbaker , /clickgust , /cemilebrazier , /cemkania , /minajen | peak ship mention idk : /ankasaceo | ♡ : /buhaysekai , /dearestmemoire , /intertwinedconstellations , /bikosekai , /projectdreamstar , /dreamstar | words + sekai : /starsekai , /seasekai | some friend groups : /destroyedqueers , /sillycult , /inbesti🐊 , /inbestialligator
﹒ ' +   do NOT ask /j ... 

☆  let's study hard! (nft)   
i'll so use these when im done with other sites >:3
/studyhard , /phantomchaser , /yoursmilegetsagoldstar , /twilightconversation , /detourforustwo , /detourfortwo , /troubledetective , /intelligenceagent , /maskedphantom , /egaomohanamaru , /yuugurenokatarai , /futarideyorimichi , /orenimakasero , /yofukashiraaningu
﹒ ' +   let's study hard! is project sekai colorful stage! featuring hatsune miku's brand new world! 's 107th event. it's focus was on characters from a mix of units. it ran from september 20, 2023 to september 28, 2023 

☆  trading log!    28 / 06 / 24  gifted /kissyourself
30 / 06 / 24 traded /pyropierce for /4cvit ( YAY!! )
11 / 07 / 24 traded /operationvalentines , /inmyfairytale , /preciousmemories for /beyondthatdoor , /stunninglady , /whatiwanttotellyou
01 / 10 / 24 traded /kitsudragon , /lightuptheslopes for /study
01 / 10 / 24 traded /emukoha for /cosmicopera , /picturewrap
11 / 10 / 24 traded /akihona for art ! (NENERENE!!)


Transparent Teal Star
Pub: 1712307498462 Edit: 1735454852062 Owner: cyjen_ ☆ Views: 61